
Showing posts from December, 2014

Nothing More to Say Other Than, Damn Straight Harvard!!

From KTAR NEWS    PHOENIX -- Arizona is the most corruption-ridden state in the nation, a Harvard study said. According to the Harvard study said Arizona had the highest instance of illegal corruption -- "private gains in the form of cash or gifts by a government official, in exchange for providing specific benefits to private individuals or groups" -- when surveying nearly 1,000 reporters. To determine the most corrupt states, the authors had reporters rank the instances they see illegal corruption in the different branches of government on a one (least) to five (most) scale. Arizona did not fare well in any ranking, especially the executive and legislative branches, where reporters said they see "very high" instances of corruption. The study came years after several Arizona lawmakers admitted to accepting gifts from the Fiesta Bowl, ultimately leading the bowl to ban gifts for legislators and fire CEO John Junker . When it came to legal corruption -- political ...

A Pistol and a Badge Does Not Give Police a LICENSE TO KILL!


Hands Up Phoenicians, Phoenix PD has been killing citizens for years

Image Although Phoenix, Arizona sits in the bottom half of nowhere in the Desert Southwest much of North America has no idea what is going on here in terms of Police Abuse, Constitutional Violations and yes the killing of unarmed Citizens.  What is actually occurring is the over reaching and violent  police powers that the Phoenix Police currently have in place to take down alleged criminals.

What did this teenager do to deserve this??

Ok, the fact here is a young man places his hands above his head and for abiding by the officers wishes he summarily without any provocation gets all of his teeth kicked in. The fact that this is all captured on store video is concrete evidence that the officer should have been promptly terminated which he was, however that officer wants his job back and is appealing the termination.