Discrimination + Retaliation = Phoenix P.D.


Having played competitive ball for well over ten years alongside many great Police Officers of color and having heard the racist underpinnings arising from the Phoenix Police Department there is no doubt serious problems in their administration.

It is quite likely a good time to scrutinize the Chief of Police for what appears to be continued misconduct by his department through his leadership or perhaps lack of it. Mayor Gordon should have a good handle on issues regarding discrimination, justification in the use of excessive force, Civil Rights and Freedoms of Speech and Expression however, this does not seem to be the case.

Supplying the public with vitally important Information is the life blood of the Open Government Laws!

This is not the case!

The Phoenix Police Department typically prevents anyone (and that includes the media) to get their hands on police misconduct reports. Due to the recent rise in lawsuits against the police department and the City of Phoenix, the City apparently does not feel that it is in their best interests or obligated to provide Freedom of Information in terms of extensive police reporting and investigation to the public. The heavily tax burdened public who pay the Chief's exorbitant compensation package and salary simply wants to know the truth about the use of SWAT teams, or if there is a correlation between a home owner was recently shot 6 times and potential steroid use in this department. Why is the P.D. presently investigating one of their own professional Forensic Detectives for basically telling the truth. For what it is worth law enforcement should be predicated on "Truth and Justice" rather than on "Fabrication & Deception".

There is absolutely no doubt in this scribes mind that Search warrants are being issued in order to retaliate against citizens of this community and frankly this cannot be tolerated, condoned or allowed to occur by the Judiciary. It is the Judiciary's job to scrutinize these scurrilous warrants and the affidavits behind them in order to substantiate the actual purpose. An officer or detective will ill will must swear to the facts surrounding a warrant. To basically elbow rub and then "Rubber Stamp" manipulated Search Warrants due to specific Police Department intervention as a way to acquire information from law abiding citizens is clearly illegal and an abuse of our system of justice. When these warrants are found to be illegally obtained and unfounded why are we as a community not pursuing criminal complaints against these ill willed officers and detectives?

Apparently, if you are a citizen of this community you can and will be riddled with bullets for breathing or spewing the "truth" about injustice and the abuses of our Police agencies. These wrongs cannot be undone by those who abused their authority, who intentionally attacked the Constitution and placed a lifetime of fear into the community as a whole.


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