RogueZona - And Justice For All?

There is no need to worry Chief Harris I'm not going to reign in on someone else's party and drive home the adage "4th Floor Ass Clowns" as I clearly want to defer from toxic name calling, bashing or engaging your suspect department in open and honest communication. We certainly fear your department and don't want more of your well armed militia in our home! The only assets we have remaining is our love for each other, you and your small army took everything else and refuse to return our property.

The only question I have for Jack Harris is WHY BRUTALLY attack a law abidng family?

Who has to approve and determines the amount of overtime allotted to Special Weapons and Tactics and the use of Phoenix Police Dept. manpower when officers are being laid off and asked to retire early due to funding. When asked who was going to repair our front door following the breach of our home and the destruction of our front door........Chief Harris, Why would one of your Sergeants respond by stating "Not My Problem" laugh and walk away!

Chief Harris, do you realize you allowed your officers to destroy property and then callously leave a mother and a 5 year old alone in a home without a front door and no security? Is this the type of policing that is taught at the Phoenix Police Academy, Kill, ask questions and create the facts later?

Thanks so much for caring about your community who you are responsible to protect!!
With all of the problems and issues with the border, violence and with immigration policy WHY focus POLICE manpower ON innocent family's.


WHY Chief Harris as the Chief Executive of the Phoenix Police Department would you approve and engage two units of SWAT to a middle class American family's home along with a DOZEN or so Detectives to potentially kill, harm, body slam, Taser, arrest, search and seize personal items destroy property and stigmatize for life red blooded Americans?

Why Jack Harris would you allow this to happen and not even have the courage to tell the County Attorney that this intentional and callous BREACH was not merely a mistake but a huge and egregious error and that you are sorry it happened. Perhaps, the fear of repercussions and the fact that you realize now that the individual you arrested, tasered and physically assaulted (nearly ripping his arm out of socket and choking with six officers sitting on him) with an intent to kill was one of the good guys.

Should we as a community assume this happens from time to time especially now that I understand you are issuing search warrants for other Phoenix Detectives such as the case with Dave Barnes. Maybe there are credible issues in the Baseline Killer case that the PPD doesn't want shared with the public?

Rest assured Trisha Barnes we know how you feel 10 fold because when the Phoenix Police Department wants to shut you up they will create whatever smoke screen they can to create what we all know is probable cause. Probable cause is another lameduck excuse for providing the police the illicit opportunity to illegally seize one's property and one's life, to enter one's home illegally and to forcibly take someone into custody on even less than a hunch as a retaliatory blow for telling the truth about ongoing public concerns!

There is absolutely NO DOUBT WHATSOEVER that many families in Phoenix have been victimized and duped by the unethical, lazy and vindictive Detectives of the Family Investigative Unit of PPD.  Unfortunately there is documented proof of incompetence and potentially a corrupt system of police misconduct that goes unpunished and unmonitored, until someone dies and a subsequent story unfolds. Rest assured Dead is Dead!

Please read the city of Phoenix's own critique and audit of the Family Investigations Bureau.
Here is that vitally important link

I'm sure those hateful dishonerable detectives are still shaking their proverbial peanut heads and trying to figure out just how a retired and Tenured Maricopa County Adult Probation Surveillance Officer remains alive today to share this with the public and the media. Yeah Detective MF, I'm like a bad sinus infection that won't go away ever because I don't appreciate retaliation or egregious police misconduct when it comes to my family. Your intention was to have me killed and I'm sure you prayed and were determined to have me snuffed out based on a few words that were Constitutionally protected on a web site designed to protect children!.

We compared your actions and the actions of your superiors to those of the brown Shirts in Nazi Germany whereby Germans and Jews protested against Nazi censure. I'm sure the Jewish Temple's and the Jewish Community here in Phoenix and Scottsdale would love to know what your modus operandi was? Isn't MURDER one of the Ten Commnadments?

Thankfully, Mayor Gordon is no longer the City's leader.

However, Mayor didn't you have ancestors that were affected by the horrid treatment of the Nazi's in WWII?

Why would you allow this to transpire in your city? The BlackRobeArizona website will once again rise from the ashes and we will once again post important and vital information about what we believe needs to be done in the family courts and with Police intervention in terms of family law cases. Not to worry Detectives of the Family Investigative Bureau I realize that you declared WAR on our family, however we survived and although you are presently working on removing the BadPhoenixCops website you will never ever interfere with the BlackRobe again.

The National media is getting a tail wind of what you did to me and my family and I am going to hold you all accountable. Detective MF'S commentary (following the brutality in my arrest) when she exclaimed to Detective SR "He's the One who called us Brownshirts" grinning from ear to ear will be presented and placed on this site for all to hear. I'm not making this stuff up and there must be accountability! SR you are accountable for your underlings and sub ordinates and you will be called to task. SO Who approved the "Hit" on a middle class American family MF?

It certainly couldn't have been you MF as you didn't have the nuts to do it nor the power. The irony is that we live in a world of checks and balances! Detective MF's intentional and retaliatory statement's were caught on tape, her own. She then proceeded to ask me to provide a statement following my Miranda Right's, Yeah, sure Detective (I haven't had my coffee and donut today) I'm going to give you, SR and TG a statement. But thanks for the one you made, thus I can provide this to a Federal Jury who will most assuredly admonish you for your misgivings and for your intentional infliction of emotional and physical duress you have caused us.

No you will never ever be forgiven and that's where Public Servant Harris could have made good. He could have apologized for you and for your entire division's Bad faith ACT who by now realize they screwed up and BIG TIME. You should have known who was in the home and should have realized that we would dig in to get JUSTICE!! Apparently Detectives you didn't appreciate the fact that you were caught receiving services in return for your professional police intervention. I thought that was strictly prohibited by the Phoenix Police Dept.'s Policies and Procedures manual and as a senior officer you knew better or didn't care. I'm sure the Prancer was very appreciative of your free surveillance hoping to catch someone or something lurking in the Foothills. I'm sure Prancer was appreciative of your using police computers and equipment in her off duty time working for her. Maybe this earned MF a few extra or a lifetime of free dance lessons.

Perhaps Phoenix Police Officers need to read the Policies and Procedures once again.

You see MF when you align yourself with a family law litigant (Prancer) who had already been proven and admonished by the County Attorney's Office you should have steered clear. What could the County Attorney be thinking when they already knew that (Prancer) was known fabricater and falsifier of evidence and had been admonished for it! But you wanted to be the big eel in tank, the Big Family Investigation Bureau Kahuna since other Phoenix officers were doing similar misdeeds. You knew that the Prancer was a fraud and that she had instigated numerous and false investigations by your unit that led nowhere. You got suckered and manipulated by someone who basically offered a service at no cost to her but has now placed a black mark of scrutiny on an entire unit and on your entire career!.

We hope it was worth it and you know we are going to address all of your and your FIB unit's intentional and illegal misdeeds to our legal team when the time is right.

How dare you and your Detective's interrogate a 5 year old child without a parent present and in front of neighbors who thought what you did was abhorrant!

Does the Superior Court know that your violating and inherently stigmatizing little children like this?

The FIB should know better but then isn't it ironic that you were the last group of detectives to enter the home. What are you afraid of a little five year old and his Nerf pop gun or perhaps it was our brand new puppy that we saved from the desert that defecated all over the floor when the SWAT teams hit the front door. The poor dog was forever stigmatized since you and your detectives left their excretions in our home so imagine how we feel when the door bell rings or there are large noises. On another note I wouldn't be jumping over the fence ever too soon, because when your small army breached our home she was delayed in her socialization. Maggie shouldn't worry though, I don't think you MF, nor TG or SR could get close to jumping over our fence let alone coming near our home without three SWAT teams.

Better steer clear of reading anything on the net, there is power in our fingertips and in the Freedom of Speech and Expression! Can you feel the EXPRESSION!

On the other hand, thanks so much for sending us the photo of our puppy that was in the cell phone that you confiscated. You really rubbed it in our face!! LOL

Why would a Police Officer forward that photo to us unless you were trying to rub it in our face that you destroyed lives and were glorifying your capturing of computers and cameras and baby photos. WOW Detectives, what an amazing Search and Seizure of property.

Let's see, no contraband, no drugs, no child porn unless you placed it there, no smoking gun, no stalking, no felony conspiracy no nothing therefore, what were you here for coffee and birthday cake? Oh that's right you were in our home as part of a Fallujah type raid body slamming me in our living room because there are inherent anti American factions living and working among us in North Scottsdale.

Or perhaps you did it because you could, because it would be very simple for you as a Police Department to work hand in hand with wretched unethical family law attorney's to intentionally and with a cruel heart to obfuscate the truth by convincing a judge (no that's not true the magistrate hasn't sat long enough to be a judge) that there was a terrible and dangerous person running loose in our community stalking and placing known liars and fabricators into harms way.

Bull Hockey!!

This is Scottsdale Arizona not Fallujah and certainly not Nazi Germany of the mid 1940's however, there are Brown Shirts that are definitely living and lurking among us!


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