Message to Chuck Miller and Other Commanders of the PPD

You can't defend what is indefensible.

When your officers and Detectives intentionally lie and perjure themselves to Magistrates and Judges
there must be accountability through immediate and punitive sanctions.  The Brady list should absorb the names of Commander Sandra Renteria, Lieutenant Christine Gonzalez and retired officer Mary Freund for the perjury they were directly responsible for as lead detective and as the front line supervisors.  When officer's perjure themselves it is nothing less than planting evidence, typically when you don't have evidence of a crime.  Why hasn't the professional standards bureau looked into Mary Freund's caseload to ascertain what police duties she was actually performing and getting a salary and compensation. As an example, did this detective obtain approval for extracurricular employment by her supervisors when she was doing surveillance at the request of her friend Kimberly Lewis.

How many Phoenix residents can seek out a police detective to assist them with a divorce and custody case.  This creates quite a disparaging situation for the police department in terms of credibility because Freund was supposedly working child abuse cases assigned to her yet she didn't record even one phone call from Kimberly Lewis when the policies and procedures of the Phoenix Police Department are quite clear in reference to alleged victim statements.  So evidently, Freund and her supervisory team ignored well established procedures that will be brought up in the Federal Court case against these parties.  Bottom line is that there is no excuse for Freund or her supervisors in allowing child abuse cases to be ignored and for special police interaction and investigation to be provided for a child custody dispute which is Civil in nature unless of course there is something received on the other end.  Did any of these officers receive anything in exchange for their services?

Now the Phoenix Police Department wants the taxpayer to support a referendum allowing funding to go to the Phoenix P.D..  Does the public and residents of Phoenix understand the waste of funds that has been utilized over the past 7 years.  The utilization of 2 SWAT/SAU teams to completely terminate a website illuminated with ideas and factual data for residents litigating in the family courts.  The fact that this much force was necessary to knock off a website from the net has to raise the ire of many residents as they must be wondering what doesn't the Phoenix Police Department want it's residents to see.  Could it be that Detectives are not working their cases and assignments,  or could it be that the Family Investigation Bureau was already under the microscope and didn't need another violation being investigated, or perhaps it is a rogue police detective who doesn't want her off center employment outed and disseminated to the entire world when she and her supervisors did not obtain approval.

So ask your self as a Citizen of Phoenix, do I want to apply additional tax funds to a Police Department with questionable and retaliatory motivations, a department that is lax in it's investigations in the protection of children and a department that typically wastes taxpayer money due to police error, misconduct and ill will.


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