A very well framed video on the issues of Free Speech.

This won't help you in court because the courts do whatever they want and protect the police departments at all costs.  This is why African American's are so fearful of being pulled over, they can be shot and killed and the courts will turn a blind eye.  Very distasteful and laden with corruption although I have seen a minute change in the termination actions of some police departments who are now terminating bad cops!  The Chief of the Phoenix Police Department recently terminated two officers which I expect will result in Federal Civil Rights lawsuits as plaintiffs and defendant's to examine the legal justification of the stops, as well as the terminations!  More on this in another separate post.

On a personal level, the Federal District Court of the 9th circuit who had the opportunity to sanction and punitively punish the Phoenix Police Department for their use of SWAT to suspend a website (my website) BlackRobeAZ, FAILED MISERABLY by dismissing the case and not allowing Judicial Notice.  Thus, take heed when you are calling out the government on the web, you may be Constitutionally protected but the courts could give two shits about your rights and subsequently create a legal scenario that will virtually eradicate your justified claim.

1st Amendment


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