Until such time as the Court's can become somewhat uniform in their decision making there will be ABSOLUTELY - NO JUSTICE in these UNITED STATES.  We have seen and the Court's have repeatedly demonstrated their proactive BIAS & prejudice againt plaintiff's to summarily protect POLICE DEPARTMENT'S FROM ACCOUNTABILITY even when OVERWHELMING EVIDENCE  EXISTS that CIVIL RIGHTS VIOLATIONS WERE PRESENT DIRECTLY FROM VIDEO TAKEN FROM POLICE AND WITNESSES.  ZERO ACCOUNTABILITY FOR POLICE DEPARTMENTS and until such time they will continue the torrid pace of killing unarmed civilians, excessive force and testilying.

Let's take a look at some of those cases!

Matt Kenny, the Madison, Wisconsin, police officer who shot and killed Tony Robinson in 2015, was not charged.
Darren Wilson, the former Ferguson, Missouri, police officer who shot and killed Mike Brown in 2014, was not charged with the unarmed teen’s death.
Timothy Loehmann and Frank Garmback, the Cleveland, Ohio, police officers involved in the shooting death of 12-year-old Tamir Rice in 2014, were not charged.
Brentley Vinson, the Charlotte, North Carolina, police officer who officials said shot and killed Keith Lamont Scott in 2016, was not charged in the man’s death.
Bryan Mason, the Columbus, Ohio, police officer who shot and killed 13-year-old Tyre King in 2016, was not charged in the boy’s death.
Timothy Loehmann and Frank Garmback, the Cleveland, Ohio, police officers involved in the shooting death of 12-year-old Tamir Rice in 2014, were not charged.
Daniel Pantaleo, the New York City police officer who held Eric Garner in a chokehold before his death in 2014, was not charged.
Anthony Carelli, the White Plains, New York, police officer who fatally shot Kenneth Chamberlain Sr. in 2011, was not indicted by a state grand jury.
There is most certainly a pattern of discrimination against AFRICAN AMERICAN MEN which is directly attributive to shooting death's but there is also a protective shield surrounding cops when they commit fraud upon the court when they provide false information and conjure up perjurious felony charges against innocent l;w abiding citizens.
Bottom line - Police Departments must be sanctioned with consent decrees as well as financially through Jury Trials


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