The Corruption within City Government's continues with regularity as you will observe in the following news story regarding the Paradise Valley Police Department (I use the term Police with a grain of salt).
Chalk it up to additional Police Misconduct, Corruption and Gross Negligence as was present in the Scotti V City of Phoenix Corruption Fiasco led by the numerous false allegations by a wayward hamstrung over the hills and far away dance officianado trying to protect the last few droplets of reality. When this familial relation to Pinochio finally comes clean THE ABHORRANT REMNANT'S of her lies and conspiracy will be flushed into the abyss. NO COURT IN THIS COUNTRY SHOULD EVER BELIEVE ONE WORD THAT COMES OUT OF THE WINDBAG.
We live in a society whereby it is perfectly acceptable to be devoid of truth and candor as well as rewarded for nebulous hyperbole. When you lie, and that lie creates a deadly environment you cannot tap dance around the truth in any court or continue blowing smoke up the police departments butt crack. MENTAL ILLNESS IS RAMPANT IN AMERICA, ALL ONE HAS TO DO IS LOOK NO FURTHER THAN TRUMP, THE NARCISSM IS OUTRAGEOUS AND DANGEROUS!
In terms of Paige Dembow, the probation department will likely have to look very closely as to how she was being monitored and whether it requires closer administrative scrutiny. There is absolutely no way whatsoever that the PV PD Policies and Procedures manual states that a subject involved in a collision with a pedestrian on a highway is allowed to proceed to her residence without being subjected to a host of tests in order to rule out substance abuse or the presence of alcohol. PV PD nothing more than a variety pack of unprofessional good ol boy network TURD BURGLARS.