PHOENIX P.D. - get pulled over and you may get killed!

As you are likely aware, the Phoenix Police department is once again under heavy scrutiny for placing their weapons into the faces of an African American family and threatening to blow their heads off for the outrageous crime of DOLL THEFT from a .99 cent dollar store.  Amazing, NOT REALLY and in my humble opinion just another group of ROGUE ANGRY COPS who don't like having their authority questioned and have the liberty to abuse police powers AT WILL because the JUDICIARY SYSTEM will not punitively correct the department with severe sanctions!

You can read the story here and it will leave a bad taste in your mouth and may likely change the way you feel about the Phoenix Police.

Although the Phoenix Police Chief apologized for the incident she may want to look back at all of the egregious and false allegations made by her officers over the past 10-12 years.  It has become commonplace within the infrastructure of this CORRUPT DEPARTMENT & no matter what the Chief does or say the prevalence of corruption and malfeasance will remain steadfast like HERPES on a hot summer Arizona day.

Atop of all this is the fact that Phoenix Police Officers have voiced their opinions on Socially availed websites in order to share their outrageous and convoluted thought process towards specific minority groups.  Therefore, it is abundantly clear that the PPD finds it more than acceptable to spew hatred and socially disparaging commentary through free speech on public websites, however when a private citizen and former law enforcer disseminates serious ethical and procedures violations against one of their rogue detectives the PPD immediately orders a military breach of the individuals residence whereby the website can be removed by force.  Frankly, ordering two SWAT SAU units to chill FREE SPEECH seems slightly over the top, had this been an African American's home he most certainly would have been SHOT DEAD!!

If I owned or operated an out of state business there would be no way in HELL, I would ever consider moving the employees and the administration anywhere near the City of Phoenix, and for goodness sake why would any organization or company want to have their convention in Phoenix knowing the lack of empathy and candor by the City's largest employer.


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