
Showing posts from 2009

Blow the Whistle on Corruption

Should you read this blog and are absolutely disgusted with the policies, procedures and hidden agenda of the Phoenix City Government, Police Department as well as the County Attorney please feel free to share your story with us. We welcome information from all sources and from all areas of law enforcement, the judiciary, city government, whistleblowers, educators, philosophers, and all of the tax paying citizens who would like to see our community flourish. We can be reached at or . We would appreciate hearing from those of you who welcome and expect change to occur in your department in the very near future. We understand what it takes to be a Law Enforcement Officer as we spent 11 years in the Streets of Phoenix dealing with incredibly difficult and dangerous scenarios on a daily basis without a vest and without a weapon. By and large we need to change fundamental direction in this City by offering better protection to our officers and ma...

Note to Tram Mai - Ask Tougher Questions When you have a Five Star general like Jack Harris live on television it is important that he receives tough questions in respect to intentional Home Invasions as well illegal search and seizures by his specialized units. Unfortunately, The media in Phoenix (not inclusive of Channel 5) refuse or are wholly intimidated to reveal the other side of truth. Jack Harris claimed that his officers have to deal with hardened gang members, home invasions, drug dealers and illegals and this is obviously quite true. Harris wants additional officers! What he fails to tell the public is that he as the honorary Chief of the Phoenix Police Department is signing off on attacks and illegal searches of not only his own Detectives, but former probation officers, private detectives and bloggers who disagree with Chief Harris's philosophy on how law enforcement and tax dollars should be utilized. Wh...

Where are the Missing Rifles? We know where the Rifles were! They were in our living room along with 16 members of Phoenix Police SWAT. If they are looking for missing hand held Taser weapons, those were placed on a defenseless half dressed middle aged man in his living room as his home was invaded by hooded and fully cloaked militia.

RogueZona - And Justice For All?

There is no need to worry Chief Harris I'm not going to reign in on someone else's party and drive home the adage "4th Floor Ass Clowns" as I clearly want to defer from toxic name calling, bashing or engaging your suspect department in open and honest communication. We certainly fear your department and don't want more of your well armed militia in our home! The only assets we have remaining is our love for each other, you and your small army took everything else and refuse to return our property. The only question I have for Jack Harris is WHY BRUTALLY attack a law abidng family? Who has to approve and determines the amount of overtime allotted to Special Weapons and Tactics and the use of Phoenix Police Dept. manpower when officers are being laid off and asked to retire early due to funding. When asked who was going to repair our front door following the breach of our home and the destruction of our front door........Chief Harris, Why would one of your Serge...

Discrimination + Retaliation = Phoenix P.D. Having played competitive ball for well over ten years alongside many great Police Officers of color and having heard the racist underpinnings arising from the Phoenix Police Department there is no doubt serious problems in their administration. It is quite likely a good time to scrutinize the Chief of Police for what appears to be continued misconduct by his department through his leadership or perhaps lack of it. Mayor Gordon should have a good handle on issues regarding discrimination, justification in the use of excessive force, Civil Rights and Freedoms of Speech and Expression however, this does not seem to be the case. Supplying the public with vitally important Information is the life blood of the Open Government Laws! This is not the case! The Phoenix Police Department typically prevents anyone (and that includes the media) to get their hands on police misconduct reports. Due to the ...

Were these Officers Homes Breached Seeking Illegal Substances?

12 Phoenix police officers probed for possible steroid use 09:04 PM Mountain Standard Time on Sunday, July 22, 2007 By 3TV and staff Twelve members of the Phoenix Police Department are under investigation for the alleged use of anabolic steroids. A DEA official said the officers are suspected of using steroids illegally dispensed by physicians in the Phoenix area. The official also said the same probe has turned up the names of officers from other Phoenix metro police departments. So far, none of the officers have been charged. Phoenix Mayor Phil Gordon said he is aware of the investigation and said he is confidence appropriate action will be taken.

The Horror Continues

Man Shot 6 Times by Police

Man shot 6 times by police to file suit against Phoenix Homeowner mistakenly targeted by officer seeks $5.75 mil A man mistakenly shot six times in his home last September by a Phoenix police officer filed a notice of claim against the city Monday seeking $5.75 million in damages for himself and his family. Phoenix Officer Brian Lilly shot Tony Arambula on Sept. 17 after Phoenix police responded to an early evening call about an intruder in Arambula's central Phoenix home, the claim states. A Phoenix police spokesman declined Tuesday to comment on any aspect of the shooting or the pending litigation, but confirmed that Lilly had returned to work after being placed on temporary administrative leave. The notice of claim filed by Michael Manning, Arambula's attorney, names the city, its police department, Lilly and two other officers. Manning has successfully sued local police agencies in the past over use of excessive force. Arambula accuses Lilly and the department in his claim ...

Sheriff Joe and Free Speech

Must be a Phoenix Thing, Although disappointed that the New Times never picked up on our story we did empathize with them and understand their angst!

Free Speech and Vitally Important Quotes by Amazing Americans

Felix Frankfurter , Milk Wagon Drivers Union of Chicago, Local 753. v. Meadowmoor Dairies, Inc., 312 U.S. 287, 293 (1941). The First Amendment is often inconvenient. But that is beside the point. Inconvenience does not absolve the government of its obligation to tolerate speech. Anthony Kennedy , International Society for Krishna Consciousness v. Lee, 505 U.S. 672, 672 (1992) (concurring). You do not define the First Amendment. It defines you. And it is bigger than you. That's how freedom works. It also demands you do your homework. Charlton Heston , Speech to the National Press Club (14 September 1997). You could say that the paparazzi and the tabloids are sort of the "assault weapons" of the First Amendment. They're ugly, a lot of people don't like them, but they're protected by the First Amendment — just as "assault weapons" are protected by the Second Amendment .

Phoenix Police Department - Please Read!

The Gotbaum Debacle

Double Dipping Society

It's a beautiful thing when you can receive two paychecks each and every pay period and I'm prevented from making a decent living because of ROGUE cops! Read the following story and anoint yourself with the problems here in Phoenix. Congrats to the newly appointed Supreme Court Justice Rebecca White Burch who I hope will subject the Phoenix Police Department to severe sanctions when she gets wind of the Constitutional v iolations and intentional Breach of Peace.

Channel 5 News

I just came across these very informative post's and I continue to have high praise for the Channel 5 News team reporters who typically take the time to report real news to it's residents. In terms of Mark Goudeau and his criminal case, I don't believe that we have heard the last on that front. The Truth commented more than a month ago First of all the DNA is NOT a match to Goudeau. 13 loci from a suspect need to match all 13 loci of the DNA evidence to be called a “match”. Mark only matched 3! An arrest is not even normally made with such a low loci match. That’s also why he didn’t come up in CODIS. KPHO continues to propitiate the myth that Goudeau is a match to the DNA. That is simply an untrue statement and it’s unconceivable that KPHO does no investigative work on the actual facts. Furthermore, the DNA swab WAS NOT lost, but because it was so degraded and dirty and a 3-person mixture, results were impossible to obtain and it was shelved. (3-person mixture is almost imp...