
Showing posts from 2013

Culture of Corruption - You better believe it!!

They say you can Indict a Ham Sandwich, it's even easier if you are a corrupt, ethically challenged, abusive, inept, repugnant,ignorant and poor example of a police officer.  The Courts MUST STOP protecting these type of officers and these type of incidents. We must use the Sword of Justice to punish the abusers of their Shield under Color of Law! This is part one. The link to Define CORRUPTION............ For those of you new to Homebreach close your eyes for just a moment and try envisioning two Units of Phoenix Police SWAT outside your front door in full commando military gear ready to kill and let bullets fly where they may.  You are home with your wife and your child and it is so early in the morning you have yet put your pants on.  There is pounding on the front door, the house feels as though it is shaking and the noise is tremendous and deafening.  Y...
This is simply great humor! Enjoy.


The following video relates to the Brady List for police officers who have been labeled as less than truthful or have committed a violation of policy as it relates to violating a citizens rights. As you can observe Officer Chrisman is on this list however, there are many other officers who have yet to be unidentified in their employ associated with ethical violations.
This is an archived video that identifies the police officer who in effect assassinated a young man who was in his mothers residence.  Although he was acting strangely did he deserve to be shot and killed.  You decide.  Again this was the Chief Jack Harris regime and you wonder why he is no longer the Chief of Police of the Phoenix Police Department.  This is but one of a host of outrageous misconduct by this police department and it is inconclusive as to how the internal affairs or PSB handled the situation.  It is known however that the officer was terminated from his responsibilities as a police officer and charged with felony manslaughter.  As a dog lover and enthusiast we were absolutely disgusted that not only did the officer shoot and kill the victim but he shot and killed the victim's dog. As you can clearly see there is a pettern developing when all of these incidents are incorporated and enjoined to one another. 
Thank goodness the Jodi Arias trial is nearly complete. Although the closing arguments took place today I can nearly guarantee that there will be an appeal most likely due to the fact that Arias and whomever is assisting her is eating up the media attention and Twitter time.  This murder trial will most likely lead to a conviction however based on the long list of mitigating factors such as the jurors misconduct, the media event as a whole, Due Process issues, and the fact that the jury was forced to remain awake the entire night before there will be an immediate Appeal.  Of course, Jodi Arias is laughing all the way to the bank because there are certainly a host of Ghost writers lying in wait to memorialize the entire event.  Whether or not Arias will ever get the opportunity to spend one red cent of her memoirs is unclear at this juncture but perhaps the sentencing phase following her appeal will shed more light.  Guaranteed that the taxpayers will not be happy...
Let us not ever forget this egregious over zealous police action against a homeowner who was shot multiple times in his home and then dragged onton the sidewalk by police on a scalding hot day in Central Phoenix.  The officer who seriously injured the homeowner Anthony Arambula was told by his Sergeant not to worry about the error because he had his back. As a result of a excessive settlemement offer this case has been sealed from public viewing most certainly because it conclusively proves that the Management and Administrators with the City of Phoenix do not at any cost want this case disseminated to the public.  This is just one of the cases that fell far below the level of professionalism of a well respected police department.  Once you are awareof the facts of the case you will realize that as a citizen in the City of Phoenix you have every right to voice your concerns about police corruption and negligence though if you do the Phoenix Police Department may s...

Arizona Cardinal's Daryl Washington under Investigation for Domestic Assault

Take it from personal experience if you are under investigation by the Family Investigations Bureau of the Phoenix Police Department, DO NOT BELIEVE ONE WORD OUT OF THEIR MOUTH OR BELIEVE ANYTHING THEY WRITE IN THEIR POLICE REPORTS.   THIS IS THE RECENT PRESS RELEASE. I maintain that although police officers have a job to do with ethics and professionalism they often times mislead the public with false information and perjured statements.  Based on the conduct of Phoenix Police Officers mentioned on this site why would the public believe anything they have to say or document.  As a former law enforcer I can attest to the predisposition of Phoenix Detectives of the FIB to punish and make pre determined judgments before they ever investigate.  We hope the allegations against Daryl Washington (whatever they are in fact?) are quickly dismissed by and through a thorough and timely investigation.  We should...
We found this scenario very distressing and we hope and pray that the perpetrator was not a member of law enforcement.  We send along our sincere condolences to the Drenth family and certainly hope that the on going investigation leads to an arrest and closure for friends and family of Sergeant Drenth.  What seems to obvious here is that the forensics and additional investigative processes is becoming extraordinarily time consuming.  The Boston Bombing suspects were captured and or killed within a weeks time yet the Drenth murder investigation has few leads and a short list of suspects if any IMHO.  Based on what we already know about the PPD could this delay be the undertaking of the Phoenix Police Administration with the intent to mislead and usurp potential Federal Intervention. With all of the information and evidence at the crime scene why couldn't the PPD develop strong leads, obtain viable forensic evidence and DNA as well as fingerprints....
The fact that the misconduct in the Phoenix Police Department is so rampant it even reflects upon the City of Phoenix's ex Mayor who had his own troubles.  This officer received the Nepotistic reprimand of a few days off and then right back on the job until his next venture.  It is egregious that the PPD does not follow its own protocols and policies and procedures when ethics and violation of the professional code come into play.  The PPD tend to sweep these type of violations under the rug unless of course you call them to the carpet when their detectives are caught assisting litigants in family court custody cases.  Since when did the PPD become the arm and enforcers of the family court, certainly if there are criminal issues to be assessed then wouldn't a family court judge urge the police department to investigate.  I guess if your the Mayors son your obligated to look the other way!  What a Jolt to justice!
Phoenix Police Officer in trouble for his Freedom of Expression. As we indicated in past posts, the PPD will seek out and punish those members of the public or officers within their department who intentionally choose to tell the truth.  This is just another case of management silencing one of it's critics and the chilling of Free Speech.
Although it has been some time since we last posted it was evident to us that it was time to rekindle the spirit in terms of justice and the freedoms of expression that we once enjoyed.  I can guarantee based on numerous current affairs that the Phoenix Police Department is now and should be under considerable scrutiny not only by the Federal Government and the Inspector General but also by the heavily taxed public who pay their ginormous salaries and overtime. In the past few years we have acquired a multitude of news broadcasts and reports that clearly validate our allegations that there are Rogue officers within the Phoenix Police Departments ranks.  The public generally doesn't hear about this misconduct until long after the broadcast of news media obtains the reports.  The police department will often try to cleanse the report often times providing little clarity of what actually transpired.  This holds true in the Sergeant D...