We found this scenario very distressing and we hope and pray that the perpetrator was not a member of law enforcement.  We send along our sincere condolences to the Drenth family and certainly hope that the on going investigation leads to an arrest and closure for friends and family of Sergeant Drenth. 

What seems to obvious here is that the forensics and additional investigative processes is becoming extraordinarily time consuming.  The Boston Bombing suspects were captured and or killed within a weeks time yet the Drenth murder investigation has few leads and a short list of suspects if any IMHO.  Based on what we already know about the PPD could this delay be the undertaking of the Phoenix Police Administration with the intent to mislead and usurp potential Federal Intervention.

With all of the information and evidence at the crime scene why couldn't the PPD develop strong leads, obtain viable forensic evidence and DNA as well as fingerprints.  Seems odd to me that a police department with reputation for excellence and considered by many to be one of the finest departments in the United States cannot ascertain who committed this homicide.  It is certainly easier to blame the incident on suicide however the evidence on the scene is not commensurate with a suicide, at least not in many officers opinions as was indicated in the news.


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