Culture of Corruption - You better believe it!!

They say you can Indict a Ham Sandwich, it's even easier if you are a corrupt, ethically challenged, abusive, inept, repugnant,ignorant and poor example of a police officer.  The Courts MUST STOP protecting these type of officers and these type of incidents. We must use the Sword of Justice to punish the abusers of their Shield under Color of Law!

This is part one.

The link to Define CORRUPTION............

For those of you new to Homebreach close your eyes for just a moment and try envisioning two Units
of Phoenix Police SWAT outside your front door in full commando military gear ready to kill and let bullets fly where they may.  You are home with your wife and your child and it is so early in the morning you have yet put your pants on.  There is pounding on the front door, the house feels as though it is shaking and the noise is tremendous and deafening.  Your wife begins to scream that there are over a dozen and a half hooded men ripping at the seams of what was once your front door.  What do you, how do you prepare to defend your family against the unknown intruders?  Frankly, there is no way to defend against this type of intruder especially when the perpetrator of the injustice is a tenured ill willed police officer with a life altering and stigmatizing goal intended and aimed at you personally.  This abuse of power is an illicit and illegal type of policing and is viewed negatively by a large majority of our most brilliant Jurisprudence throughout our Democratic system of Justice.

This is exactly the scenario that occurred on May 29th 2007 at 0647 hours in the morning in a residential area of North Scottsdale.  The goal of the Phoenix Police Department was to chill the free speech of the residents, shut down the website BlackRobeAZ for good, search and seize all computers, cameras and papers related to the website and subsequently charge one of the residents with Felony Stalking which is a Class three felony in Arizona.  If convicted the allegations would punish the offender with as little as three years in prison and as many as 10 in the gray bar motel.  The arresting officer Mary Freund now a retired detective from the Phoenix Police Departments Family Investigative Bureau was caught using police services and powers of the department to assist her friend Kimberly Lewis with a child custody battle in family court.

Freund sought out the elite special weapons and tactics officers of the threat management unit in order to kill the person who noted her employ in the custody case on the Internet.  Freund also swore in her search warrant affidavit that a psychologist by the name of Sandra Gray had issued a Tarasoff warning whereby Kimberly Lewis's ex husband was identified as someone who "was delusional, on the edge, psychotic and likely to kill to kill Lewis.  The only problem with this outrageous allegation is that Sandra Gray is a polygrapher who by the way never met William Rehkow and most assuredly was never ever ever qualified to provide a medical opinion about anyone to include a Tarasoff warning.  Thus, Freund lied to a Magistrate (Judge Sinclair) in order to fulfill her promises and obligations to Kimberly Lewis and her daily requirements of police intervention though this was never meant to be a criminal action as the family court had jurisdiction.  Freund made the viable and intended decision to retaliate and did so with the full force and might of the PPD.  In fact, Freund stated in court "I don't know how he is still alive" referring to the breach of the residence.  Apparently, based on that statement Freund wanted the resident killed!!

Don't tell me that this is not corruption.  Everyone must know that in order to substantiate the facts that lead to a search warrant one has to fully engage in an investigate in order to corroborate the facts and Freund had a goal, to shut down a website that exposed her to her supervisors, the professional standards bureau and her peers.  Freund certainly did not want anyone to learn especially the public that she was working for Kimberly Lewis who owned a dance studio in Ahwatukee Arizona a suburb of Phoenix.  Freund's granddaughter attended the Kimberly Lewis School of Dance for several years and most assuredly lent her ears and her employ to Lewis.  Freund attended parties at Lewis's home and had another Detective David Sampson install a security system at Lewis's home.  Certainly and to most readers this would not be a common relationship between the lead detective in a family law case and definitively a major conflict of interest.  Yet Freund remained on the case since she was assigned in 2003.  No wonder the entire Family Investigative Bureau has been under severe scrutiny for several years, you can obtain that report on Scribd.


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