Thank goodness the Jodi Arias trial is nearly complete.

Although the closing arguments took place today I can nearly guarantee that there will be an appeal most likely due to the fact that Arias and whomever is assisting her is eating up the media attention and Twitter time.  This murder trial will most likely lead to a conviction however based on the long list of mitigating factors such as the jurors misconduct, the media event as a whole, Due Process issues, and the fact that the jury was forced to remain awake the entire night before there will be an immediate Appeal.  Of course, Jodi Arias is laughing all the way to the bank because there are certainly a host of Ghost writers lying in wait to memorialize the entire event.  Whether or not Arias will ever get the opportunity to spend one red cent of her memoirs is unclear at this juncture but perhaps the sentencing phase following her appeal will shed more light.  Guaranteed that the taxpayers will not be happy when they are handed the bill.  Should you be interested in how much the public pretenders are making you can contact Maricopa County for their public records.


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