Culture of Corruption - You better believe it!!
They say you can Indict a Ham Sandwich, it's even easier if you are a corrupt, ethically challenged, abusive, inept, repugnant,ignorant and poor example of a police officer. The Courts MUST STOP protecting these type of officers and these type of incidents. We must use the Sword of Justice to punish the abusers of their Shield under Color of Law! This is part one. The link to Define CORRUPTION............ For those of you new to Homebreach close your eyes for just a moment and try envisioning two Units of Phoenix Police SWAT outside your front door in full commando military gear ready to kill and let bullets fly where they may. You are home with your wife and your child and it is so early in the morning you have yet put your pants on. There is pounding on the front door, the house feels as though it is shaking and the noise is tremendous and deafening. Y...