Falling through the Cracks

   Think about this for just  a moment - The majority of Police Officers at least according to Criminal Justice Statistics never remove their weapon fom their holdster.  The officer on the RIGHT,  is former SCOTTSDALE, ARIZONA POLICE officer James Peters who while on the job KILLED 6 HUMAN BEINGS, all of which were deemed JUSTIFIABLE BY REVIEW BOARDS.  Now for the sake of ARGUMENT, I don't remember any of thses so called justifiable murders receiving any NATIONAL MEDIA ATTENTION or call to action.  There was however, a Civil Rights lawsuit filed by the ACLU following the instant shooting death of JOHN LOXAS who was holding an INFANT GRANDCHILD.

With all of the public outcry regarding BLACK LIVES MATTER let us also not look too forward past other human beings who have had their lives taken by Rogue police officers without justification because the deaths fall within department policy.  #ALL LIVES MATTER!!                    


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