The following video is provided on behalf of those individual attorneys who choose to perjure themselves and commit unethical aberrations of misconduct while standing and speaking before the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals Panel.  Nicholas Acedo's oral argument was inundated with intentionally false misrepresentations based on zero facts and recklessly aimed innuendo.  In short, Acedo lied to the Court of Appeals and pursued a course of defense that was focused on character assassination rather than materially viable facts.  This is an attorney who should be readily disbarred and sanctioned and should he ever have the opportunity to present oral argument the Federal Judicial Panel to which he is presenting should expect nothing less than bullshit and perjury to be expelled from his ill willed and cantankerous pie hole!

THE ARIZONA STATE BAR AND THEIR PRESIDENT SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF THEMSELVES - If you are a litigant and have been stigmatized by your legal representative it is suggested that you forego filing and pursuing a complaint against your attorney through the AZ State Bar.  It is suggested that you pursue a MALPRACTIVE and damages claim with an attorney from another state - PRO HAC VICE!!  You have little chance to succeed against any attorney when the attorney who is retained is from Arizona or from the state in which you reside. (OPINED)

NICHOLAS ACEDO - A true remnant and replica of Human feces and regurgitated garbage! - IMHO -


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