
Showing posts from 2019

You knew this was COMING

OFFICER SUES PHOENIX POLICE 'Unconstitutional on its face' Steve Serbalik, Hernandez's lawyer, filed the lawsuit on Thursday in U.S. District Court in Phoenix. He argues the Police Department is trying to discipline the sergeant only because of the "impact" of the Plain View Project database.  Let's see what the 9th Circuit does with this FIASCO?

Phoenix Police Officers Terminated

Terminations These are a few of the terminations from the Phoenix Police Department as the Chief of Police Williams handed out pink slips.  Williams received a correspondence from this blogger regarding egregious violations by one of her Commanders (Sandra Renteria) & a Lieutenant (Christine Gonzalez) and was ignored.  These two officers assisted & intentionally falsified a search warrant affidavit in order to gain entrance into a North Scottsdale residence in order to seize equipment and suspend a website focused on the corruption within the Maricopa County Family Courts. Chief Williams and the Professional Standards Bureau readily ignored policy and procedure violations by their officers because the officers are now in leadership roles and hold administrative positions.  Therefore, terminating these officers for cause would easily translate into a major and catastrophic collapse of William's tiered administration.  It should be noted, that when these vi...
A very well framed video on the issues of Free Speech. This won't help you in court because the courts do whatever they want and protect the police departments at all costs.  This is why African American's are so fearful of being pulled over, they can be shot and killed and the courts will turn a blind eye.  Very distasteful and laden with corruption although I have seen a minute change in the termination actions of some police departments who are now terminating bad cops!  The Chief of the Phoenix Police Department recently terminated two officers which I expect will result in Federal Civil Rights lawsuits as plaintiffs and defendant's to examine the legal justification of the stops, as well as the terminations!  More on this in another separate post. On a personal level, the Federal District Court of the 9th circuit who had the opportunity to sanction and punitively punish the Phoenix Police Department for their use of SWAT to suspend a website (my website) Bla...

Pull your weapon on a Citizen Reporting

Chief Blah Blah Blah Phoenix Police Officers must now report each and every time they point their happy trigger fingers into the face of citizens.  There are certainly ample opportunities and a myriad of criminal dirt bags on the street that deserve to have their proverbial butts shot off, there is no disagreement with that cause and effect.  Then there is the dirty rogue cop who will lie and conspire to avoid telling the truth following a weapons incident. The public remains very interested in ascertaining WHO KILLED SERGEANT SEAN DRENTH and why this has gone unreported and unsolved? Urge Chief Williams to respond to all correspondence and queries she receives from the taxpaying citizens from her community.


No doubt the Phoenix Police wanted to keep this information close to the vest as there were few media stories relating to it although it would seem obvious why so many internal investigations are swept under the rug.  Wonder who got thrown under the bus to save this knuckleheads career and she's an instructor in the CJ program at ASU???  Come on Sun Devils hire ethics!! INTERNAL AFFAIRS

Mr. PepperBalls

Apparently Phoenix police officers found it hilariously funny to have shot a man directly in his Genitals with a SPECIALIZED SHOTGUN ROUND, during the anti TRUMP RALLY in downtown Phoenix as far back as August 27, 2017. The victim identified as Scottsdale resident Josh Cobin is now affectionately known as "PEPPERBALLS" following his being shot in the groin from around twenty feet away. Phoenix police officers who were present at the Phoenix convention center were so amused by their own personal animus that they posted heinous vile activity onto personal Facebook pages whereby at least 8 officers were found to have articulated what they had been party to.  The PLAIN VIEW PROJECT found 287 social media posts by Phoenix Police Officers which clearly leads one to believe that there are more than a few officers who typically show their disdain and intolerance towards the public. Police officer Nicholas Chacon shared a video of Cobin getting shot. "Awesome shot!!... There are occasions whereby a Police Chief will offer an apology for inept unprofessional subordinates, but this is EXTREMELY RARE! DO NOT EXPECT ANYTHING CLOSE FROM THE PHOENIX POLICE CHIEF!


This was Casey Wright-Wells who was killed by the Phoenix Police! This was but another case of potential excessive force that was not at the forefront of the news yet his family states Casey was beaten; he had welts on his head, broken ribs, and a broken sternum.   Let us NOT FORGET - ALL LIVES MATTER!!

Report: Phoenix police officers' Facebook posts reveal racist, violent commentary

NOTHING NEW TO REPORT HERE! Generally speaking absolutely little will be done to the officers who posted the racist violent rhetoric on Facebook because the PPD will always stand behind their officers.  Had the PPD taken the stance that officers can and should be terminated for cause it would clearly change my personal opinion of the administrative team however terminating an officer that violated the POLICIES AND PROCEDURES guidelines would inevitably be an admission that the department had not done enough due diligence to weed out a negligent or unprofessional officer. There are many fine outstanding officers within the department who risk their lives each and every day protecting the safety of the community (quite simply not enough of them), nonetheless many shitbag undeserving donut dunkers hide themselves in a nice cozy climate controlled office performing very little if any police work while their fat ass sits in a comfy chair drinking coffee and watching porn.  Thes...

Woman says Phoenix police sexually assaulted her, seeks $12.5M from city And now another Civil LAWSUIT, does it ever END??

PHOENIX P.D. - get pulled over and you may get killed!

As you are likely aware, the Phoenix Police department is once again under heavy scrutiny for placing their weapons into the faces of an African American family and threatening to blow their heads off for the outrageous crime of DOLL THEFT from a .99 cent dollar store.  Amazing, NOT REALLY and in my humble opinion just another group of ROGUE ANGRY COPS who don't like having their authority questioned and have the liberty to abuse police powers AT WILL because the JUDICIARY SYSTEM will not punitively correct the department with severe sanctions! You can read the story here and it will leave a bad taste in your mouth and may likely change the way you feel about the Phoenix Police. Although the Phoenix Police Chief apologized for the incident she may want to look back at all of the egregious and false allegations made by her offic...